about me
Hi, my name is Noël Bohorquez and I have been designing and hand making all my work for 25 years now. I started making my pieces as I wanted to share the joy that I got from the energy and colours of the stones that I use.
Energy is such a subtle thing that we feel either consciously or unknowingly, and we are guided by the feeling of the energy and colours that we need around us to balance and enhance our lives.
This has always been my mission to share the beauty, power and strength of these nature gifts to us.
I do still actually make the pieces myself but having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2011, I can sometimes be a little slower at getting orders out so your patience is greatly appreciated. Making these pieces is part of my road to my healing and understanding of life with such joy and love. I am sharing my discovery route on a blog connected to this site.
I thank you so much for coming to visit me on this site. I am somehow still trying to maintain a personal service in this world of high technology that we live in and when you order not to worry if there isn’t a button for colours, type, sizes or payment as I will personally call you to confirm your order and personally take your payment. I would like to keep a human element of contact through my site.
I look forward to speaking with you in the future and in the meantime I wish you love, light and joy.
big love hugs from Noël